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Your Insurance Policy for a Catastrophic System-Wide Meltdown

February 27, 20255 min read

Your Insurance Policy for a Catastrophic System-Wide Meltdown

No one knows precisely what will trigger The Next Great Depression because it manifests differently in each cycle. But we do know with absolute certainty that it’s coming soon. Our foundational knowledge teaches how the broader economic cycle works and discusses the 200+ years of data supporting the economic principle. Comprehending market cycles will save your financial ass or make you a small fortune. When the bubble bursts, don’t be this guy below. I am sure this 'Winning Dad' didn’t have the foundational knowledge and quickly fell back to 'Wounded Dad'.

Don't be this guy

The leading proponents of the 18.6-year cycle all agree that the only thing that will prevent a cycle from completing is a World War. This makes sense but is scary, especially with things heating up in the Middle East right now. It might only take a terrorist attack here in Australia to add fuel to the fire, escalating towards WW3. Did you know that Australia recently updated its terror warning from ‘Possible’ to ‘Probable’ for an onshore terrorist attack? Source below from NSW Police:

Increased to probable

We pray that will never happen, but we need to be prepared by having an insurance policy for a catastrophic system-wide meltdown. As with all insurance, our family's financial futures depend on us having our policy in place before we need it. 

With that in mind, what do we know? We know finite assets like gold and silver will do well during extreme market uncertainty. Because of this, we see precious metals as the original cryptocurrency and a safe harbour asset for financial calamity. Classical economics suggests war can be used to stimulate an economy. That’s why we think that war might manifest later in the cycle after a prolonged depression, but we just don't know and that's why you need your insurance policy in place now. How depressing, but just look at the Great Depression from 1929 to 1939 for a historical reference. WW2 kicked off from 1939 to 1945, and the economic cycle has worked like clockwork ever since.

Back to finite assets. You are spot on if you think you should hold a little gold and silver as a hedge against risk. But which one? We believe the dark horse with the most amount of upside is silver. Here’s a little overview as to the reasons why:

  1. It’s currently trading at about half of its all-time high of USD$48.70 in 1980 (they have printed a shit tonne of USD since then). 

  2. Industrial use - Believe it or not, silver is used in modern electronics because it is the best conductor of electricity in the world. The BRICs nations have an insatiable appetite for solar panels, and about 60% of mined silver is being consumed by this emerging technology. Add industrial use for electric cars to the mix, and you will soon see very little silver left for retail investors. Large scale electrical manufacturers are now dealing directly with silver miners to ensure supply, which is a new development not seen before.

  3. Many commercial banks have naked short positions in silver. In other words, they have sold silver they don’t own to the tune of hundrends of millions of USD. Every $1 that silver appreciates causes them to feel significant pain. If silver unexpectedly spiked, they would need to reverse their positions, which would add rocket fuel to the price. 

We, little retail players, need not squirrel away a lot of silver because it will become so valuable in the event of a catastrophic system-wide meltdown. We think silver could be the best insurance policy if we no longer had access to cryptocurrency via the internet. If none of us had access to the internet for a prolonged period due to a terrorist attack or a catastrophic climate change event, silver would become extremely valuable for trade. That’s why small amounts like 1-to-10-ounce bars are best to squirrel away. Coins are also good but come at a premium over the spot price, and you usually can’t sell coins back dealers above spot.

But our ethos is to help providers with empowering knoowledge so they can help their families. If things do go south due to a terrorist attack that escalates to all-out war, we want dads fully equipped to handle the worst (before silver becomes 'unobtanium'). We believe the long-term value proposition for silver is a no-brainer, too and it is just a matter of time before we see some significant price action. 

We believe the world will be a better place with more 'Wholehearted Dads' in it. We believe to become a Wholehearted Dad one needs to 1) eliminate all personal debt; and 2) replace your income from a job with income from investments. This then results in more quality time with the family. If dads have their mental and financial health in order, the who family benefits.

So, we highly suggest not waiting and getting your insurance policy for a catastrophic system-wide meltdown in place today! But be warned: Don’t invest all your cash in precious metals because it has excellent upside potential. Silver, especially, is volatile and not for the faint-hearted. It could take years for you to realise good enough gain to want to sell. It's for that reason that we see silver as a hedge asset and only a small part of an overall portfolio allocation. If you want short-term price action, you cant go past Bitcoin, because it has proved itself to be an agreed store of value for institutional investors.


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